Whole Slide Imaging Systems
The need for a new approach
Many scanners fail to effectively manage slide loading, label handling, focus point selection, and artifact handling, leading to an increased need for operator adjustments.
High error rates for daily specimens place a significant burden on trained operators, requiring them to manually identify errors and determine appropriate next steps.
Most labs load only 60-80 slides per batch, yet they are required to invest in capacity of 300-1000 slides. Despite this, just one slide is scanned at a time leading to a significant underutilization.
Cloud-based image analysis is restrictive, costly, and slow, requiring gigabyte transfers for even simple algorithms and typically processing images 3-4 times slower than the actual scanning time.
Spectral family of scanners
from Pramana
As needs grow, additional scanner heads can be integrated effortlessly. By separating the slide handling mechanism from the scan heads, Pramana offers labs an innovative approach to design tailored solutions that meet their capacity requirements.
A generational advancement in
Digital Pathology from Pramana
- Multiple scan heads
Multiple scan heads provide redundancy, ensuring uninterrupted scanner availability.
- Pramana slide basket
Pramana baskets are designed for the simplest loading and unloading of slides in the industry, facilitating seamless scanning of double-thick slides, protruding coverslips, and sticky labels.
- Sakura basket compatibility
Conveniently switch between Pramana and Sakura baskets, allowing users to access flexibility and optimized workflow based on their needs.
Autonomous imaging looks like this

Product Configurations
Each lab has its own approach to optimizing layout and workflow, with varying upstream systems such as stainers, coverslip techniques, and drying racks. Pramana allows customers to begin with a base design and customize their setup by selecting the layout, number of scan heads, and slide baskets according to their specific needs. Additionally, custom kits are available to accommodate future changes as desired.

Applications | Anatomic pathology, Cytopathology, Hematopathology, Clinical Pathology, Microbiology |
Specimen Type | Tissue biopsy, Frozen sections, Squash preparation, Liquid based cytology - Surepath & Thinprep, Conventional Pap smear, Conventional cytology smear, Bone marrow aspirate, Peripheral smears, Imprint smears, Clinical pathology wet mounts, Human fecal trichrome, microbiology slides for bacteria, fungus and protozoans |
Average Scan Time Per Load | 6-7 hours for 480 slide load |
WSI Output Format | DICOM, OME - TIFF, DZI |
Magnifications | 4x, 20x, 40x, 80x |
Resolution | 0.25 microns per pixel at 40x |
Slide Artifact Handling | Very faint tissue, very tiny tissue, thick cuts, double thick slides, broken coverslips, debris, dirty coverslips, protruding labels |
Image compression | JPEG Visually Lossless (configurable), ZStandard |
Specimen Compatibility
If a glass slide is approved by the pathologist, Pramana’s system will likely generate a high-quality whole slide image without any errors, regardless of the specimen type, including tissue, cytology, bone marrow, microbiology, and wet mount samples.

Our scanners in action

How do we do it ?
By replicating the fine-focus function of an optical microscope, Pramana has pioneered a groundbreaking method to volumetric imaging that enhances image quality and detail while improving scanning efficiency.
Backed by a rich portfolio of granted U.S. patents
Volumetric Imaging

Volumetric scanning at each
field of view

Fusion of Z-stacks and stitching

Fully focused image
Inline Computing leading to Edge AI
Real-time algorithms for feature detection, quantification, and classification enable inline computation during scanning, ensuring that results are instantly available upon the scan's completion.
This approach optimizes efficiency, reduces costs, and enhances safety during the scanning process. Additionally, the ability to securely integrate third-party algorithms within the scanner significantly elevates the value of digital pathology for both research and clinical use.

News and Announcements

Join the Digital Pathology 2.0 Revolution
hardware-software co-design for whole slide imaging.