About Us
Pramana, inc. is based in Cambridge, MA (USA), with R&D and manufacturing sites in Bangalore (India), Rochester (MN, USA) and Toronto (Canada). Pramana was established in 2021 as a spin-off from nference. inc.
Pramana’s vision is to bring fully autonomous systems to pathology labs and enable them to achieve AI-enabled workflows for serving patients. Pramana’s unique offering in this ecosystem is powered by its differentiated approach to hardware-software co-design.
Pramana’s 1st Gen scanners deployed at one of the most prominent customers in Central U.S.
Our Leadership
Our Offices
Cambridge, MA
One Main Street, Suite 400 East
Arcade, 4th Floor Cambridge, MA
02142, USA
Arcade, 4th Floor Cambridge, MA
02142, USA
3rd Floor, Indiqube
Golf View Homes, 3rd Cross,
NAL Wind Tunnel Main Road,
Murugeshpalya, Bengaluru-
560017, India
Golf View Homes, 3rd Cross,
NAL Wind Tunnel Main Road,
Murugeshpalya, Bengaluru-
560017, India
181 University Avenue, Suite 210,
Toronto, ON M5H 3M7
Toronto, ON M5H 3M7
18 3rs Street S.W Suite #201
Rochester, MN 55902 USA
Rochester, MN 55902 USA